Makowsky Handbags busted on the scene in 2006 with a great handbag range concentrated in high potential leather. I would see them in assorted market and internet merchants. I was particularly concerned in his bags when you I saw the bags showCased on potential Value and Convenience, great known as Qvc.
Little did I know at the time that there was something else going on about the maker of the bags named Bruce Makowsky. One day, while watching television, I saw a extra about husbands and wife's in fashion. I paid attention to this segment just to see who the couples were and how they were connected in fashion. All of a sudden, there was Bruce Makowsky with Kathy Van Zeeland holding hands. I already knew about Kathy Van Zeeland and her spectacular, line of fashion handbags and Accessories.
However, I would have never guessed that she was married to the man that makes Makowsky Handbags. I was naturally blown away. At that moment, I though to myself that potential sure runs in the family. Ever since then, I actually appreciate the style and class that they bring to the fashion world. Some of the differences in the collections are the following. Bruce's handbags are all leather and they come with excellent hardware and you can find just about any style together with hobo's shoppers, clutches as well as many Accessories. He has recently put out a great line of shoes as well.
On the other hand, most of Kathy Van Zeeland's bags are leather like and a little more concentrated on the hardware side of things. They cost a bit less then her husband's bags and she also has many styles to select from. You can find both of their lines in assorted market from your local mall to assorted online merchants. With either one of these designers, you naturally can not go wrong when choosing a bag for yourself or as a gift for a friend or for a love one. One thing is for sure is that potential does run in the family when it comes to Kathy Van Zeeland and Makowsky handbags.